Web Development

Web development for kids is a group of courses that teach children how to build websites. They will learn how to design web pages, how to add content, and how to make them look professional. Our courses cover HTML, CSS, JS, as well as backend tools such as NodeJS, and Python and deploy them on the cloud. By the end of these courses, your child will have the skills they need to build their own website.

website development course for kids

Schedule-free       •   No expiry       •   Online access       •   Live sessions       •   Free practice       •   Flexible timing       •  

Schedule-free       •   No expiry       •   Online access       •   Live sessions       •   Free practice       •   Flexible timing       •           

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Backend Development

Backend development is the process of developing a back end for a website or application. This includes create database models, connect the front end and back end, write business logic and setting up server-side architecture.

Cloud Services

Cloud Services are a great way to save money on your business IT costs. By using cloud services, you can access your files and applications from anywhere, at any time.


Javascript is an essential tool for modern websites. It can be used to create all types of websites and even web-based games. Together with HTML and CSS, they form the three pillars of front-end web development that shape the world wide web as we know it.


CSS, otherwise known as Cascading Style Sheets, is a language used to design the style of a website that is written in a markup language like HTML.


Hypertext Markup Language, also known as HTML in short, is the standard markup programming language for creating web pages and web applications.

JavaScript and jQuery

Developers need to be familiar with powerful tools like JQuery that ease the process of web development and help developers create high-quality JavaScript websites.

Web Security

Websites are prone to be at risk of hacks, viruses and malware from all sorts of attackers who might want to inject code into the website that lets them corrupt the contents of the web pages.

Web Hosting

Web hosting is a service companies provide that allows individuals and organizations to post a website onto the Internet. A business that provides the technology and service needed for the website.

User Interface Design

The field of user interface design (UI) is concerned with creating visually appealing and useful digital interfaces. People in this field require a good understanding of technology, user behavior, and design to create interfaces for users to enjoy and interact with all applications.

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Is my child too young or too old?
Our interactive online learning platform is suitable for children ages 5-18 where the learning is adaptive and personalized to each student's needs. It is never too young nor too old for them to start learning coding!
My child has done coding before. Are these classes necessary?
Great! Then it will be a good jumpstart for them to explore a deeper understanding of coding. All the students will have a personalised learning based to their own level and pacing.
My child has difficulty speaking in English. Can he or she still join the trial class?
No worries at all! While our language of communication is in English, we have multinational and local trainers to help the kids to communicate better and understand the tasks.
Are learning materials provided?
Yes! We provide all the learning material.
How much is the course?
We have several packages you can choose from based on the kind of activity you are looking for, and your child's assessment. We will discuss it with you during the trial class. Pricing is between RM31 to RM71 per hour, depending on the package you choose.
How long should my child spend in front of a computer screen? Is that safe?
We recommend no longer than 40 minutes of continuous screen time without a break. This claim is backed by many credible sources and recognized experts on child development and health. Contact us to find out more.
How good are your trainers?
Fantastic. But don't take our word for it. Seeing is believing. So come over here for our Trial Class and see for yourself.
I have three kids, can I get some kind of financial support?
Yes, we have special offers for parents who want to register more than one kid at KidoCode. Come to our Trial Class to find out more.
What is meant by a personalized and adaptive education system?
Personalized education system provides a unique learning path and curriculum for each and every student that is based on their interests and goals. An adaptive learning system provides the ability to learn about the student, adjust the difficulty, and modulate various parameters as the students progress through the curriculum. Both of these features are an important parts of the new age of education which allows people to have a diverse education based on their own interests and capabilities.
Will my child get any certification upon completion of your course?
Yes. We provide certification to all students that complete our courses.
I know coding is important, but I think my kid won't be interested.
As much as we'd love to think coding is an extracurricular activity, it really isn't. Computational thinking skills are becoming a basic requirement in every major education system around the world. Your child needs to learn coding to have any kind of impact in the digital economy that is still outpacing the industrial economy by far and large. Try learning with KidoCode, and trust that we will do our level best to find a way to make it interesting for each and every child.